World culture: The exhibition "Legacy of the Ancient World" in Pavlovsk

22 October 2016

In the "Pavlovsk" Museum-Reserve was opened a joint exhibition of antique pieces from the private collection of Mikhail and Helena Karisalovs and collections of the Pavlovsk Palace-Museum - "Heritage of the Ancient World".

The exhibition "Legacy of the Ancient World" in the halls of the Pavlovsk Palace takes on special significance in the year declared the Year of Russia in Greece, the ancient ancestors of culture, and is an important event not only for the museum, but also for the cultural life of St. Petersburg as a whole.

This exhibition continues the project cycle of family cooperation of the Karisalovs and the Pavlovsk Palace Museum. This is a unique exhibition of its kind, which gives a chance to see the unknown things of the ancient weapons, sculptures, ceramic painted vases, rings, art print from family gatherings Karisalova missing from the museum's collection.

Independent value is the catalog of the exhibition "Legacy of the Ancient World", allowing to get acquainted with the ancient masterpieces of a wider range of judges. The publication includes a description of the exhibits and the family Karisalovs and subjects of classical antiquity of the Pavlovsk collection, as well as the special articles on the history of national archeology and collecting antiques.