History and culture: The archaeological exhibition was opened in Staraya Russa

17 October 2016

October 15, 2016 in the exhibition hall of the Regional Museum of the city of Staraya Russa took place the opening of the exhibition "Past Returns: to the 50th anniversary of the systematic archaeological study of Staraya Russa and the 100th anniversary of A. F. Medvedev".

The exhibition is prepared by archaeologists of the University of Novgorod and Staraya Russa employees of the branch of the Novgorod Museum Reserve.

The exhibition presents archival documents and photographs related to the life and scientific work of Alexander Philippovich Medvedev - known domestic archaeologist, disciple and follower of A. V. Artsikhovsky, the founder and first director of Staraya Russaa archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Visitors can see archaeological finds from different years, made in Staraya Russa, and the results of the field season in 2016. More than 900 discoveries were made last summer.

In a separate section of the exhibition on display are presented materials of field workshop conducted in Old Russian regional museum July 22, 2016 and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A. Medvedev.

The exhibition will run until the end of November.