Memorable dates of Russia: The Perm State National Research University celebrates 100th anniversary

14 October 2016

October 14, 2016 the first university in the Urals – the Perm State National Research University - is celebrating its centenary. In 1916, the university was established as a branch of the University of Petrograd, and today is one of the leading scientific and educational centers of the country.

The Perm State University started its activities in a difficult time of war, when was particularly acute the need for qualified specialists: chemists, mathematicians, and pharmacists. It is worth noting that the idea of ​​the need for a higher education institution in the Urals was expressed in the late XIX century by such prominent scientists and professors of the Imperial University of St. Petersburg, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev and Alexander Stepanovich Popov. However the Perm State University opened its doors only on October 1 (October 14, New Style) in 1916 as the Perm branch of the University of Petrograd - now the St. Petersburg State University.

"The history of the University of Perm, the first higher education institution in the Urals, is rich in bright events. Over a century of its existence the University has passed a difficult way of reorganization and transformation, became the founder of the system of higher education of the Western Urals, gave the world outstanding figures of science, culture and education, and rightly gained the status of the research center of global significance", - he said in his congratulatory message, President of the Association of leading universities, rector of the St. Petersburg State university Nikolai Mikhailovich Kropachev.

Talented young professors and lecturers of the University of Petrograd became the founders of the first departments and faculties of the Perm branch, engaged in the equipment of its rooms and laboratories, giving all the power and ability to create a new center of scientific and creative thought in Russia. Of the 22 first professors of the University of Perm 12 academicians became the corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Given the close historical links, as a gift from the Rector and staff of the St. Petersburg State University to the team of the University of Perm was given an engraving "View of the main building of the St. Petersburg State University" by well-known St. Petersburg engraver Sergei Golubkov. To celebrate the anniversary of St. Petersburg to Perm went wide exposition "M. V. Lomonosov and university education in St. Petersburg", which was prepared by the St. Petersburg State Museum of History. As part of the commemorative events the St. Petersburg State University on October 21 will host an exhibition that tells the history of the Perm State National Research University and its present, and a collection of St. Petersburg State University maze filled up a memorial stone of the University of Perm.

"The Perm State University is a unique example of appearance of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad, Petrograd) University department in another region. And 100 years of development of the Perm University strongly suggests that this is a successful initiative, providing the conditions for young and talented scientists in St. Petersburg to express themselves, and important Russian region to obtain a significant boost in its scientific, cultural and educational development, - said a spokesman for St. Petersburg State University Alexei Zavarzin at the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council of the University of Perm. - Our historical links oblige us to work more actively on joint projects and programs for the benefit of the development of Russian science and education, support for the development of our regions".

See also:

Об открытии университетов в городах Перми и Ростове-на-Дону и учреждении новых факультетов в Томском и Саратовском университетах. 1916. 76 л. (РГИА. Ф. 1276 Оп. 12 Д. 1657);

Об учреждении университетов в городах Иркутске, Перми и Ростове-на-Дону Обл. Войска Донского. 1917. 71 л. (РГИА. Ф. 1276 Оп. 13 Д. 229);

Ростовцев К. Д. Заря высшего просвещения на Урале - Университет в Перми : памятка гласного Уфимского губернского земства, почетного гражданина города Стерлитамака К. Д. Ростовцева. Пг., 1916.