Museums of Russia: Days of the Hermitage in Yekaterinburg

14 October 2016

Days of the Hermitage are held in Yekaterinburg from 14 to 21 October 2016.

As part of a large-scale project "Great Hermitage" the famous national museum continues its work in the regional centers of the satellite and starts work in the cities, where soon will be open cultural and educational centers - Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Omsk and Kaluga. 

In Yekaterinburg, Days of the Hermitage are held at the Museum of Fine Arts. A key event of the Days of the hermitage will be the opening on 14 October of the exhibition of masterpieces from the rich museum collection - will be presented painting "Harvest" by David Teniers the Younger.

From 17 to 21 October in the afternoon and evening will be held the Hermitage lecture "The Great Museum. Past, Present and Future", where specialists of the State Hermitage Museum will acquaint everyone with the history and modern life of the country's main museum. In the framework of the Days of the Hermitage will be held a lecture-workshop of the artist-restorer Alexander Androhanova the State Hermitage, a specialist in the restoration of works of malachite with mosaic and carved colored stone.

The opening of the "Hermitage-Ural" in Yekaterinburg is planned for 2018. During the Great Patriotic War the Sverdlovsk Art Gallery is a branch of the Hermitage, where during five years of war were held works on storage and monitoring of the state of the unique exhibits. After the war, all the art treasures returned to Leningrad. Of course, the opening of the "Hermitage-Ural" Centre will be a real breakthrough and extremely significant event for the Sverdlovsk region.