Russian culture abroad: Traveling exhibition of Novgorod icons opens in Slovakia in the framework of the Days of Russian Spiritual Culture

14 October 2016

October 14, 2016 the experts of the Novgorod Museum Reserve will present the traveling exhibition "Silent sermon. Novgorod icon of the XIII - XVI centuries" in Slovakia, Banská Bystrica.

This is not the first "tour" of high-quality copies of the world-famous icons from the collection of the Novgorod Museum. Less than two years traveling exhibition visited Sochi, Kerch, Estonia's Tallinn and Kohtla-Jarve. At this time, the opening of the exhibition is stated in the framework of the Days of Russian Spiritual Culture in Slovakia, which opened on October 13 in Bratislava conference "The holy brothers Cyril and Methodius and their spiritual heritage in the culture of Russia and Slovakia".

The exposition includes twelve digital copies, made in the original size, on a wooden base, in the technique of printing on gesso. Among them - the oldest Russian subscription icon "St. Nicholas' 1294 by master Alex Petrov from the Church of St. Nicholas in Lipno, "Veil of Our Lady" at the end of the XIV century of the Zverin monastery, "Sts. Cyril and Athanasius of Alexandria, Leonty Rostovsky" of the end of the XV century of Malo-Kirillov Monastery. In addition to the temple images the exhibition includes icons of Deesis, giving an idea of ​​the high Russian iconostasis - an integral part of the decoration of ancient temple. The traveling exhibition enables a wide range of visitors to get acquainted with the most valuable examples of the Novgorod icon painting school, almost not subject to be exhibited outside the main exhibition in Veliky Novgorod, which is one of the world's best collection of Russian icons.  

Participation in the program of Days of Russia in Slovakia take part the leading Russian and Slovak cultural institutions, the Friendship Society Russia-Slovakia, Slavic organizations, including international institution "Forum of Slavic Cultures".