Museums of Russia: The exhibition project “The sign of great things” is opened to the 20th anniversary of the Demidovs Historical and Memorial Museum in Tula

12 October 2016

The Demidovs Historical and Memorial Museum (Tula) October 12, 2016 hosts a gala event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the opening of the museum.

In 1996, to the 340th birth anniversary of the legendary Tula blacksmith Nikita Demidov on the historical territory of the former armory settlement, near the St. Nicholas-Zaretsky Church, where the tomb of the Demidov family is, was founded the Demidovs Historical and Memorial Museum. The permanent exhibition presents the products of the Tula masters, arms, unique objects from the excavation of the Demidov crypt and many more.

As part of the event will be held the presentation of the exhibition project "The sign of great things". The exhibition will feature objects with the image of noble coats of arms, coats of arms agencies with the state symbols, books, documents. Visitors learn how to tie emblem of the city of Tula and the coat of arms of the Demidov and history of the famous Italian Heraldry Count F. M. Santi. Part of the exhibition will be dedicated to famous noble families in Russia and Europe, which were related to the Demidovs. They are the Lopukhins, the Benkendorf, the Stroganoff, the Trubetskoy, the Vorontsov-Dashkovs, the Bonapartes and others.