Memory of Russia: The Military-Historical Festival "Moscow for us. 1941" to the 75th anniversary of the Battle for Moscow at the Borodino Museum-Reserve

8 October 2016

8-9 October 2016 at the Museum-Reserve "Borodino Field" (the Moscow region) is held the Military Historical Festival "Moscow for us. 1941". It is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow in the Great Patriotic War.

October 8 visitors in the Borodino field center will be available interactive platforms, to the parade ground, at the theater museum in the village Borodino will be held a rehearsal of historical reconstruction.

On the same day at the Museum-Reserve "Borodino Field" will be held the III Scientific Conference "Mozhaisk line of defense in the battle for Moscow". It will bring together researchers of the Borodino museum, the State Moscow Defense Museum, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow), the Museum-Reserve "Hmelita" (the Smolensk region) and others.

October 9 on the parade ground of the theater of the Museum-Reserve "Borodino Field" in the village Borodino will be held a large-scale reconstruction of the scene of the Battle of Moscow 1941. It will bring together the military-historical clubs of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, recreating the uniforms, weapons and equipment of the opposing Army during the Second World War. They demonstrate the importance of tactical episode counterattack of Soviet troops fortified positions of the Nazi invaders. Such local nature of the fighting took place in the course of operations to the defense of Moscow in 1941.

The renovation will involve more than 10 units of precise copies of military equipment during the Second World War II, including armored vehicles, tanks and mortars.