Information technology and museums: Virtual tour of the Kunstkammer is launched

6 October 2016

To visit the Peter the great Hall of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamara) in St. Petersburg is now possible online. With the help of a computer or tablet, anyone can go through expositions and even listen to the stories of the guide about some exhibits.

On the official website of the museum is launched a virtual 3D-tour that will hold everyone to the halls of the museum, will present its rich collections from America, Africa, India, Indonesia, Japan, China and other regions of the world. The project is unique in the fact that the tour will be constantly updated with new interactive resources. The view is possible not only on computers but also on tablets.

Virtual 3D-tour - an important part of a larger project "Curiosities of the III millennium", which the Museum implements as part of the Vladimir Potanin Charity Fund Partner Program in 2015-2016.