International conferences: Conference on the issues of the study of Greek and Slavic written sources in St. Petersburg

4 October 2016

October 4-5, 2016 in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) in the framework of cross Year Russia and Greece is held the XI Zagrebin readings - International conference "Byzantium - Balkans – Rus’: crossroads of cultural routes" dedicated to studying Greek and Slavic written sources.

The conference is attended by scientists from Russia, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland, Germany and Italy.

The report focuses on the centuries-old Greek-Slavic Cultural Relations, which found their reflection in book monuments of different eras. The conference will discuss issues of national characteristics, influence and continuity of Greek books and written traditions of the Slavic states and Russia. A number of messages will concern works related to Athos and Svyatogorsky ascetics. It will be featured performances of Greek manuscripts of researchers, many of whom will be based on documents from the National Library of Russia.

October 4, the Department of Manuscripts will open the exhibition "Maxim the Greek in Russia". Biography and creativity of an outstanding writer and interpreter of late XV - the first half of the XVI century, Maxim the Greek is a living illustration of the contacts between Greece and Russia.

Visitors of the exhibition will have the rare opportunity to see the autographs of Maxim and his associates, Moscow book writers. The decoration of the exhibition will be a book, designed by the famous icon painter Theodosius (which belongs to the brush, for example, the painting of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin), as well as all so far identified the image of Maxim the Greek in the collections of the Department of Manuscripts of NLR. 

Meeting on 5 October will be entirely devoted to studies of ancient Russian manuscripts, including such a large monument of hagiography, as the Great Lives Saints Metropolitan Macarius.

"Zagrebin readings" were established in 2005 in honor of philology, paleography, the keeper of the Slavic manuscripts, Head of the Sector of ancient foundations OR NLR Vyacheslav Zagrebin.