History and culture: Photographs of 1850 – 1920s from the collection of the I. S. Turgenev Museum-Reserve are presented at the exhibition in the Rostov region
The Azov historical and archaeological and paleontological museum-reserve (the Rostov region) opened the exhibition "My address: the Orel province, the city of Mtsensk…" from the collection of the I. S. Turgenev Museum-Reserve "Spasskoe-Lutovinovo".
Total visitors can see about 100 pictures, professional and amateur, made in the period from 1850 to 1920 in a variety of genres - picture species, interior, landscape, home; types of Spasskoe-Lutovinovao made in September 1883 by G. Karik, amateur photos showing the life of Orlov estates at the turn of XIX-XX centuries, images of cities and places of the Orel province, connected with the life and work of the writer. For the first time the Museum-Reserve presents its collection of 15 species of the old Orel, made in 1863 by Orel photographer Edward Shlessing.
The visitors are presented portraits of guests of Spasskoe, related persons and the environment of the manor of the writer, his younger contemporaries, people from different walks of life: the representatives of the royal family and the clergy, merchants and peasants, made by not only recognized masters in Moscow and St. Petersburg pictures - K. Bergamasco, A. Denier, S. Levitsky, A. Pazetti, K. Shapiro, but also photographers from Orel, Tula, Voronezh, Vitebsk, Grodno, Kislovodsk, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris.
The exhibition presents the first lifetime editions of Turgenev, writer's personal belongings, as well as diaries, notebooks and other documents of people from his inner circle.