Society and Culture: Exhibition "Russian army in the works of painters and sculptors - officers of the XIX - XX century" in Moscow

1 October 2016

The exhibition "For the benefit and glory of Russia. Russian army in the works of artists and sculptors - officers of the XIX - XX century" is opened on October 1, 2016 in the State Historical Museum (Moscow).

XIX century - the golden age of Russian culture and simultaneously the heyday of Russian officers. At this time the army takes on a special status, and the system of military education goes to a whole new level. Officers are present elite of society. Society sees them not only the defenders of the Fatherland, but also the custodians of spiritual foundations of the state.

But officer environment gives rise not only to outstanding commanders, as required by the rich life of military events, but also bright culture: artists, poets and composers. No class has not produced the visual arts as distinguished names, but many officers.

Most of the painters and sculptors - Russian army officers combine military career and artistic activities, while achieving victories on the battlefields and in the high ranks of the Imperial Academy of Arts.

The exhibition at the Museum of History features works from the private collections of famous Moscow collectors A. G. Yegorov and K. V. Zhuromsky, as well as from the museum funds.

Collection by A. G. Yegorov is presented at the exhibition by a number of unique exhibits. First of all, these are sketches of regimental gifts made colonel of the Imperial Guard, an academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts, sculptor Nikolai Ivanovich Liberih. The officer corps was made in special cases to present the works of silver and bronze, custom-made in a single copy. Nikolai Liberih was the founder of the genre of regimental gift and had many disciples and followers.

Watercolor "Feat of Grenadier of Life Guards regiment of Finland Leonty rooted in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813" was created by P. I. Babayev in 1846, and it tells the story of one of the most prominent and legendary feats. This work - a sketch of the painting of the same name that is stored in the Russian Museum.

Among the most striking works - watercolor N. Bunin's "Morning cavalry" in 1892.

Collection by K. V. Zhuromsky introduces a selection of bronze miniatures grandson P. K. Klodt, captain A. P. Redkin (1881-1972), depicting the soldiers of the Life Guards of the Pavlovsky Regiment; which served as a sculptor.

Viewers will be interested in collection of watercolors, painted by Lieutenant General P. D. Shipov, adjutant of Nicholas II, and thin elegant watercolor portrait LI Kiel, Major General suites, "Chief officer of His Imperial Majesty's convoy" 1837.

The State Historical Museum presented a death mask of Nicholas I and the complete series of molds for medallions to commemorate the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 made a lieutenant of the fleet, Vice-President of the Imperial Academy of Arts F. P. Tolstoy.