Information technology and museums: A mobile application in three art galleries in Madrid is launched

29 November 2016

In collaboration with the museums of Prado, Thyssen and Reina Sofia in Madrid, the campaign is designed to attract tourists to visit at once three art galleries, according to the information service of tourism department of the Embassy of Spain in Russia.

The department of Tourism Madrid Destino launched a free mobile application Paseo del Arte imprescindible Paseo del Arte imprescindible, which contains information on the 24 masterpieces from the collections of the three museums. Also it is published a bilingual guide with the same content and the information flyer in nine languages, which will be distributed nationally and internationally - in the course of fairs, conferences and other events in the Spanish capital, in the tourist information centers of Madrid.

Visitors and locals can enjoy exhibitions, of which they will be informed by the application Paseo del Arte imprescindible.

In Madrid Destino it has already been developed a promotional campaign for Japan, China, US, France and Germany.