Memory of Russia: In Irkutsk is set a monument to the Governor-General of Siberia Count Speransky

28 November 2016
Source: RIA News

A bronze bust of the famous Russian statesman and politician beginning of the XIX century, Mikhail Speransky is set in the center of Irkutsk.

The monument is made on the design of the winners, which at the initiative of the administration of Irkutsk was held in September, 2014. The jury selected the work of the creative team led by the famous sculptor Alexander Abramov.

The question of perpetuating the memory of Irkutsk governor-general of Siberia, Mikhail Speransky was up for a long time, the first attempts were made in the late XIX century. Three years ago, the city went public with a proposal to return the Kirov Square pre-revolutionary name "square of M. M. Speransky". As a result, it was decided to create a park by Mikhail Speransky near the Square of Kirov, in front of the regional government.

Mikhail Speransky (1772-1839) - Russian political and public figure, the author of many theoretical works on jurisprudence and law, the lawmaker and reformer. He worked during the reign of Alexander I and Nicholas I. From 1819 to 1821 was a Siberian governor-general. In Irkutsk Speransky arrived in August 1819, in a short time prepared the package of reforms of management transformation of Siberia. He resolutely struggled with embezzlement and bureaucratic arbitrariness.