History and culture: Exhibition "Benoit - Lancere - Serebryakov. Artists’ Dynasty "in Yaroslavl

27 November 2016

The exhibition "Benoit - Lancere - Serebryakov. Artists’ Dynasty" is opened on November 25, 2016 in the Yaroslavl Art Museum.

The museum presents an exhibition of one of the most illustrious families in the art. The exposition is formed of the items of the Yaroslavl Art Museum collection. The museum's collection of works of more than one hundred artists of the clan Benoit-Lancer-Serebrya: paintings, watercolor, painting, bookplate, postcards and a few rare book editions.

The exhibition presents the work of the late XIX - early XX centuries, the period of the change of artistic epochs in Russian culture. The tone in the works of this period, the family Benoit set the association "World of Art", one of the organizers of which was N. A. Benoit.

The founder of the dynasty in Russia became Leon N. Benois (1770-1822), who had escaped from the Revolution in France in 1794 and became the main pastry chef at the court of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. He had eleven children, five of which have continued to race Benoit in Russia. The most prolific creative line was the fourth son - Nicholas Leontyevich Benoit (1813-1898), a Russian architect, academician.

Almost all of his six sons have linked their lives with art. The eldest son - Albert Benois (1852-1936) - painter, architect, academician. The second son of Leon Benois (1856-1928) - architect, academician.

The younger son, the most famous of children of Nicholas Leontyevich - painter, art critic and founder of the association "World of Art" Alexandre Benois (1870-1960). He married Anna Karlovna Kind (1869-1952). Their son, painter and stage designer Nikolay Benoit (1901-1988), was born and educated in Russia, he became a famous Italian artist.

Daughter of N. L. Benoit - Benoit Ekaterina Nikolaevna (1850-1933) was a graphic artist in her youth. She married sculptor-animal painter Eugene A. Lancere (1848-1886), three of their children became well-known artists. The eldest son - the artist and architect, Academy of Fine Arts Professor Nikolay Lanceray (1879-1942). The second son - a famous artist, a member of the "World of Art" Eugene Lanceray (1875-1946). The youngest daughter - a Russian artist Zinaida Lancere (1884-1967), by her husband -  Serebryakova.