History and culture: Exhibition "Hunting of Russian tsars and emperors. From the museum collection of the Moscow Kremlin" in Tula

24 November 2016

Continuing the tradition of displaying the exhibits in the cities of Russia, the Moscow Kremlin Museums present the exhibition "Hunting of Russian tsars and emperors", which will be held in the Tula State Museum of Weapons from 25 November 2016 to 12 March 2017.

The exhibition is dedicated to one of the favorite entertainment of the Russian tsars and emperors – hunting, an important part of the palace ceremony designed to demonstrate to foreign and served guests brilliance and grandeur, prestige and power of the rulers.

The exposure allows the viewer to see the wonderful monuments that for centuries are kept in the Moscow Kremlin Armoury. None of the Russian Museum does not possess such a collection of artistic and historical curiosities, due to the exceptional role of the Kremlin as the focus of power and storage space of the royal treasury, including weapons. Here, in the Kremlin workshops were created hunting weapons and equipment to the Russian tsars, come down to our days. In 1810, an ancient treasury was enriched with collections from St. Petersburg Ryustkamera of hunting weapons of emperors and empresses. 

More than one hundred unique exhibits tell about the different types of hunting, tastes and personal preferences of the Russian tsars and emperors of XVII - XVIII centuries.

A separate part of the exhibition is the weapons made by Tula gunsmith masters, who were famous for the high level of artistic and technical skill.

The exhibition introduces the audience into the bright world of the Russian court life of XVII-XVIII centuries and is of interest to anyone who is interested in Russian history, culture and art.