World culture: Exhibition "French Art of XVIII - XIX centuries from the collection of the Radischev Museum" in the Saratov region

24 November 2016

The exhibition "French Art of XVIII - XIX centuries from the Radischev Museum collection" is opened on November 23, 2016 at the Art Gallery of Balakovo (the Saratov region.).

The Radischev Museum during its existence formed a large collection of French art. It allows you to submit it to the development of works of artists of different directions. In XVIII - XIX centuries, France was the center of art culture for all of Europe. Russia one of the first began to collect works of French masters of Prince N. B. Yusupov (1750-1831).

At the beginning of the XIX century in Russia appeared the notion "French taste", it noted the "subtlety, beautiful, grace". In art of French the collectors found classic examples of pan-European rococo style, classicism, realism. Inherent French artists taste, a sense of proportion, a good professional training, love of novelty always attracted art lovers.

The focus of art collectibles are always linked to the needs of the national culture. A. P. Bogolyubov, founder of the Radischev Museum, in the works of French masters found the truth of observation and transmission of nature, as well as the skill of painting. He collected the works of artists of different directions, always valued professional excellence. For the most part, he collected works of contemporaries.