History of Moscow: Exhibition "The plan of the city. To the 285th anniversary of the publication of the Decree of Anna Ioannovna "Making plan of the city of Moscow"" in Izmailovo
November 24, 2016 in the Small Exhibition Hall in Izmailovo (the Moscow State Integrated Museum-Reserve) will be open an exhibition "The plan of the city. To the 285th anniversary of the publication of the Decree of Anna Ioannovan "Making plan of the city of Moscow"", which will continue its work until 12 March 2017.
March 14, 1731 was published a nominal decree of Empress "Making plan of the city of Moscow".
Moscow city plan was drawn up based on the results of geodetic survey eight years later. The work took place from 1731 to 1734 under the direction of architect I. A. Mordvinova and from 1734 to 1739 - the architect J. F. Michurin who captured not only the existing building and the layout of the city but also reflected in the terms of the author's project proposals for the settlement of urban situation.
Completed handwritten version of the Plan was published in 1740 as a small engraving in Engraving House of the Academy of Sciences. Moscow has obtained the first city plan, established on the basis of precise geodetic measurements on the ground on which were subsequently drawn up subsequent plans of Moscow and held its orderly development.
Plan of the Imperial capital city of Moscow (1731-1739) will be devoted to the exhibition center stage - as the main exhibit. The history and background of its creation will help to reveal presented here drawings, plans, maps, XVII - XVIII centuries, as well as books, documents and graphics work. Of great interest are surveying tools that demonstrate the complexity and seriousness of the measurement work.