Society and book culture: Exhibition in the series "The book as an object of art" is represented in the Russian State Library
The Russian State Library presents a mini-exhibition of the series "The Book as an art object". Focus - book rifles.
The permanent exhibition of the Museum of the Russian State Library books in the "Structure and main elements of the book" presents the copies with great beauty edge. A mini-exhibition extends this theme to show even more treasures from the collection of the Russian State Library Book Museum visitors. And showing the book as an object of material culture, the keepers of the museum teaches visitors (and often it is schoolchildren, students, young people) to see not only information function of the book, but also see it as a jewel.
Forming the exposition of mini-exhibition, its creators wanted to show all the possible variety of book edge, which would fit in a limited space. It is presented rifles, different in size, design site (Western Europe and Russia), the time when the book was bound (from the XVI to the beginning of XX century), and, of course, different in design techniques.