History of Moscow: The exhibition “War Childhood” to the 75th anniversary of the Battle for Moscow
November 15, 2016 at the Children's Library № 155 of the capital was opened a historical and documentary exhibition "War Childhood", prepared by the Main Archive Department of Moscow. The exhibition is timed to the 75th anniversary of the Soviet counterattack against the German fascist invaders in the Battle of Moscow.
Heroes of the exhibition – are small Muscovites, whose childhood was held at the difficult time of war. Documents and photographs from the Archive fund of Moscow indicate that the city cared about children, and they in the best of their ability, were trying to help the front, the Motherland.
Among the documents exhibited at the show - the decision of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Soviet of the evacuation of children from Moscow in the early months of the war, the order of the pre-school, school and after-school institutions. A separate section of the exhibition is devoted to the activities of the city authorities for children left without parental care.
Documentaries of the 1940s give an idea of the organization of educational process of the school during the war.
The most emotional part of the exposition is letters and memories of children of war Moscow. Rounding out the exhibition of photographs documenting the joyful faces of those whose "war" childhood ended with the first volleys of salute to the Great Victory.
The exhibition will run until December 25, 2016.