Society and culture: The exhibition “Art that has become a nature” in the Ryazan region

18 November 2016

November 18, 2016 at the S. A. Yesenin State Museum-Reserve (the Ryazan region) is opening the exhibition "Art that has become a nature" from the funds of the I. S. Turgenev State Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve "Spasskoye-Lutovinovo" (the Oryol region).

The exhibition is dedicated to the central product in the writer’s works - the cycle of essays and short stories "Notes of a Hunter". Only in the life of Ivan Turgenev and only in his native language this cycle was reprinted more than 120 times.

Not only writers and critics spoke highly of the "Notes of a Hunter". Stories aroused great interest among artists of XIX - XX centuries. The writer himself is always positive attitude to attempts to illustrate the literary works. He was ready to get acquainted with sketches and render all possible assistance to the artist. Illustrating, according to Turgenev, always makes sense when they are engaged in the master, quite professionally prepared and ready to take seriously the text and style of the works of "literary art".

The exhibition includes illustrations of the "Notes of a Hunter" of artists of the XX century. Among them there is a proof cover of the work of B. Kustodiev to the book of I. S. Turgenev "Singers" (1926), etching of J. S. Kuskov to the story "Burmistr" (1952) works by A. M. Ratnikov, K . G. Kashcheev, V. V. Tokarev, N. A. Ustinov, made in different styles and techniques (charcoal, ink, pencil and watercolor). Visitors will see the publication of his lifetime works of Turgenev, edition of the XX century and a modern one.

The exhibition will run until November 15.