Territory of Russia: Exhibition "The vast expanses of Russia in maps. To the 90th anniversary of the Department of Cartography of the National Library of Russia" opens in St. Petersburg

15 November 2016

November 15, 2016 in the hall Korf of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is opening a unique exhibition "The vast expanses of Russia in maps. To the 90th anniversary of the Department of Cartography of the NLR".

For the first time, the exhibition presents rare domestic and foreign maps of Russia from the XVI to XXI century. Maps will talk about the stages of the Russian territory, the development of the northern and eastern regions, the development of a network of communications and other changes in the shape of the country. Part of the exhibition will introduce with maps of the two capitals.

Among the exhibits - one of the first printed maps of Muscovy in 1562, the first General Map of the Russian Empire in 1734, and plans of the Chesmensky Borodino battle, modern maps of the Chernobyl accident, the National Atlas of Russia and other interesting materials.

One of the sections is devoted to the comprehensive presentation of contemporary country.

Department of Cartography of NLR is one of the oldest and largest map storages in Russia. There are over 190 thousand domestic and foreign maps from the XVI to XXI century. These are geographical and thematic world maps, maps of individual countries, cities. Topic of maps is varied: marine, geological, historical maps, maps of population and economy. In the department are stored rare editions, including the only one in the country and one of the five surviving copies in the world of North Asia Maps famous Dutch cartographer Nicholas Witsen (1689). The map is also presented at the exhibition.

The purpose of the exhibition is to popularize the richest Division Cartography of NLR funds. The material is presented at the exhibition, and clearly demonstrates the changes in Russia over four centuries and it will be interesting to all lovers of history.

The exhibition will run until December 18.