The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
A number of collections of the Presidential Library has been enriched with video materials of its own production.
- Collection Russian navy expedition to the shores of North America (1863-1864).
The documentary Russian fleet near the coast of America. Film 2 (11 min. 01 sec.) tells about the Russian navy expedition to the shores of North America in 1863-1864, which became one of the brightest and most interesting pages in the history of relations between the two countries. The hike decided the most important task - the performance was thwarted by an armed coalition of European states against Russia. In addition, the Russian Navy made a significant contribution to the fracture of the civil war between North and South, largely predetermining the victory of Abraham Lincoln and the creation of the United States of America. In addition, the film is about the first naval mission in the US in Russia in 1866 (mission by Gustav Fox), which has become a kind of response to the visit of Russian allied squadrons in San Francisco and New York in the midst of the American Civil War.
- Collection Leningrad region: the pages of history.
The film Rescued murals in Staraya Ladoga. St. George Church (35 min. 12 sec.), Ph.D., curator of the fund of murals and building materials of the Staraya Ladoga Historical-Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Boris Vasiliev tells about the history of the Church of St. George, white stone church of the second half of the XII century and preserved fragments of unique frescoes of XII century (the creation of murals, plot, composition).
- Collection "The electoral system in Russia: History and Modernity" (General Section).
In the video The Presidential Library prepares future voters (3 min. 59 sec.) is presented a number of activities carried out by the Presidential Library, for students of the Leningrad region in anticipation of the single voting day (18 September 2016): outdoor multimedia lesson "young voter ABC" and presentation flatbed exhibition "Elections - history and the present, from Saint-Petersburg province to Leningrad region". The purpose of the activities - to form civic responsibility, to improve the legal and political culture of the young voters, to foster respect for national history.
The preparation of new materials for the collections will be continued.