Internet and Society: The Company Yandex has launched a new search algorithm called "Palekh"

11 November 2016
Source: Yandex Blog

The company Yandex has launched a new search algorithm - "Palekh". It allows the search engine Yandex to understand exactly what it is asked about. Thanks to the "Palekh" the search is better searching for web pages that match the needs of not only the keyword, but also in meaning. For comparison queries sense answers and documents search model based on neural networks.

Schedule of the frequency distribution of requests in Yandex are often in the form of a bird that has a beak, body and long tail. The list of the most common queries is not particularly large, but they are asked very often - it's "beak" of birds. Request for an average frequency form a "trunk". The low-frequency queries individually are extremely rare, but together constitute a substantial part of the search flow and, therefore, add up to a "long tail".

The new algorithm allows the search Yandex to better respond to complex queries from the "long tail". This tail has fabulous Firebird, which often appears in the Palekh miniature. Therefore, the algorithm was called "Palekh".