History and culture: The X International Cinema Festival "Russian abroad" in Moscow

7 November 2016

From 7 to 14 November 2016 the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad (Moscow) invites you to the X International Cinema Festival "Russian Abroad".

The cinema festival "Russian abroad" - is the only International Cinema Forum, dedicated to the history and phenomenon of Russian emigration, Russians living abroad today.

In the competitive and non-competitive program of the festival are included 40 films from 9 countries: Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Serbia, France, Germany, the USA, Australia and South Africa.

Venerable and young authors will present their works of prominent cultural figures, scientists, clergy and military. Special screenings will be confined to the anniversaries of famous representatives of Russia abroad: Nobel Prize in Economics Wassily Leontief, writers Sergei Dovlatov and George Vladimova, the singer Galina Vishnevskaya, and others.

The festival will feature three exhibitions:

- "Michael Chekhov. The disciples and followers", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the great actor, director and teacher;

- Photo exhibition for the anniversary of Galina Vishnevskaya;

- "From the history of the International Cinema Festival "Russian abroad''" (2007-2016)".