Libraries and Society: The exhibition "Towards the 1000th anniversary of Russkaya Pravda: monuments of Russian law of XI-XVII centuries" from the funds of the National Library of Russia is opened in St. Petersburg

2 November 2016

November 2, 2016 in the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is opening the exhibition "Towards the 1000th anniversary of Russkaya Pravda: monuments of Russian law of XI-XVII centuries in the Department of Manuscripts of the NLR".

The exhibition widely presents unique hand-written monuments of medieval Russia, reflecting the secular and church relationship. Visitors can see the original list of “Russkaya Pravda” of XV-XVIII centuries, including the most authoritative, lengthy editorial Russian Truth (70s of the XV century), served as the basis for the eponymous Internet resource.

Russkaya Pravda - one of the most important documents of Russian history, the first code of law Medieval Russia. According to legend, the emergence of "Russkaya Pravda" is associated with the dramatic events of 1016, when the future of Kiev Prince Yaroslav the Wise, trying to enlist the support of Novgorod in the struggle for the great reign, introduced the first set of laws in Russia. The exhibition presented a list of the oldest Kormchaia book - Ryazan, dating from 1284 - the list of church control laws and regulations of the Byzantine law. 

Among the exhibits - a monument of national history and culture, which is included in the UNESCO Register "Memory of the World", a key document for the history of the Russian state - "Laurentian Chronicle" in 1377 as well as handwritten copies Meryl righteous, Sudebnik, Stoglav, Sobornoye Ulozheniye 1649.

The exhibition is timed to the Day of National Unity, and continues the series of events of the Manuscript Department, dedicated to the most ancient written code of Russian law.

The exhibition will run until December 30, 2016.