Society and Culture: Exhibition "Masterpieces of National Cartography of XVIII century. From the funds of the Russian Geographical Society" is opened in St. Petersburg
December 28, 2016 at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in St. Petersburg is opening the exhibition "Masterpieces of National Cartography of XVIII century".
Unique cartographic collection of the Russian Geographical Society began to form itself since the founding of the organization. At the heart of the collection – the works created by full members of the Society in expeditions and researches, as well as gifts from patrons. For a considerable period in the late XX century, cartographic materials of the Company were not fully available. Today, thanks to the fund work for the first time in a long time it became possible to introduce some of them to the general public.
The materials of the exhibition "Masterpieces of Russian Cartography of XVIII century. From the funds of the Russian Geographical Society" are devoted to one of the most important periods in the Cartography of Russia - its formation in the works of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.
Among the maps presented in the exhibition, of particular importance is the first complete atlas of the Russian Empire in 1745, the creation of which is one of the most important milestones in the history of Russian cartography. Atlas, in addition to its scientific value, has a great artistic decor. Its elements are used and the design of the exhibition space.
At the heart of the exhibition - many maps of Russian provinces and governorships, published throughout the XVIII century. The centerpiece of the exhibition is devoted to the famous plan of St. Petersburg in 1753, and is recognized as a masterpiece of Russian engraving art, and the plan of Moscow 1765. Both works are decorated with paintings of the famous artist M. I. Mahaev (1717-1770). Great value make unique maps of Theatre of Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739 years, made on silk.
The exhibition will be open to the public from 29 December 2016 until 28 February 2017.