Memory Russia: Exhibition "New pages of landing" to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Kerch Peninsula in Feodosia

28 December 2016

December 28, 2016 in the Grand Exhibition Hall of the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities was opened the exhibition "New pages of landing". The exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Kerch Peninsula during the Great Patriotic War and tells about the period of Feodosia landing from 29 December 1941 to 2 January 1942.

The Battle of the Kerch Peninsula remained in the history of the world in the number of participating in it the forces and means of the first and one of the largest amphibious operations in the period of the Great Patriotic War. Theodosia same troops became the main focus of Battle of the Kerch Peninsula. The landing at Feodosiya involved several dozen ships and vessels of the Black Sea fleet, the four divisions of the 44th Army Air Force and part of the Transcaucasian Front. Kerch landing operation, its main task to liberate the Kerch Peninsula fulfilled, and further four-month fights on the Crimean front allowed to delay the invasion of German troops in the Caucasus through the Kerch Strait and weaken the enemy's actions in the area of ​​the besieged Sevastopol.

For the heroic feat of Feodosia landing and feats of partisans and underground of Feodosia during the Great Patriotic War the city in 1982 was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of I level, and April 6, 2015 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the city was awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation "City of Military Glory". Order of the Patriotic War of I level and Original of the Certificate of the President of the Russian Federation is presented at the new exhibition of the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities.

The exhibition includes exhibits from the museum collections, which have never been exhibited in the exposition and in the exhibitions. In particular, exhibits, related to the boats "Small hunters" №0131 and №013, who first broke into the port of Feodosia in the early morning December 29, 1941 and landed assault groups, including the famous squad lieutenant Arcadia Aydinov. We present examples of uniforms and weapons of paratroopers, declassified circuit transition of landing ships to Feodosia, their maneuvers and dispositions during the landing, documents and photos of the first heroes of Feodosia landing.

The exhibition will run till February 2017.