Internet and Society: "Internet Language Dictionary" is published in Russia

22 December 2016
Source: RIA News

"Internet Language Dictionary" published in edition of 3000 copies, shows the development of language over the past two decades, including a few internet eras, said the head of the team of authors of the dictionary, Head of the Laboratory of linguistic Conflict Higher School of Economics Maxim Krongauz.

"We wanted to show how developed language for several internet eras. These Internet-eras appeared in 20 years", - said Krongauz.

He added that the creators of vocabulary - Krongauz worked woth 5 more linguists and cultural scientists - trying to show the mechanisms that give rise to new words and memes, and in the course of work carried out surveys in social networks.

The book consists of three parts: words and phrases, technical terms and language of subcultures.