Information technology and history: Three-dimensional interactive view "Moscow. Forty-first. Counterattack" was opened at the VDNH

22 December 2016
Source: VDNH

From December 21, 2016 to January 10, 2017 in Moscow in VDNH in Moscow, in the pavilion №57, where is located the historical park "Russia - my history", you can see a three-dimensional panorama of the "Moscow. Forty-first. Counterattack". 3D-expositio is devoted to the 75th anniversary of the counteroffensive operation of the Red Army during the Battle for Moscow.

Opening of a 3D-expositopn at CDNH is timed to the first anniversary of the start of the historic park in the main exhibition of the country.

Three-dimensional view of "Moscow. 1941. Counterattack", created by the team of the St. Petersburg "Nevsky battle scenes" - one of five similar three-dimensional panoramas in the world. Endowed with ratio 1:1, it will give a unique opportunity to make a full immersion into the atmosphere of the largest battles of the Great Patriotic War.

Every visitor to the three-dimensional exhibition complex will not only emotionally relive the tragic events of those days, but will become a witness of how the fighting took place on the outskirts of the capital, will hear the sounds of battle, will see how looked like the real protagonists of the events, their equipment, weapons and technique.

Guests will also be almost members of the battle near Volokolamsk, the battle in the village of Ivanovo in late December 1941, as well as will learn about details of the history of the heroic feat of soldiers of the 64th Infantry Naval Brigade.