Society and Culture: A fascinating history of Russian advertising is presented at the exhibition in the National Library of Russia
December 22, 2016 in Korf hall of the National Library o Russia (St. Petersburg) is opened the book-illustrative exhibition "The engine of progress: the evolution of commercial advertising in Russia".
The exhibition is devoted to the history of Russian advertising of XIX - XX centuries. Rare editions of NLR funds will tell how to attract the attention of buyers of more than 100 years ago. This is advertising in verses, anecdotes, short plays and puns, advertising tales and even the prototype of today's online stores.
The exposition features originals of the first Russian posters, promotional packaging, greeting cards and more. Guests of the exhibition will be able to get acquainted with the publications, telling about advertising "kitchen" - a kind of parting words, "marketers" of the XIX century. These are such publications as "The Art of Advertising" and "How to advertise successfully".
Attention of visitors will be attracted by section dedicated to the first All-Russian and the World exhibitions presenting the latest inventions from around the world. Here you can see such albums as "Description of the first public exhibition of Russian manufactured goods in St. Petersburg" (1829), "Painting the things exposed in the first public exhibition of Russian products in St. Petersburg" (1829), "All-Russian handicraft Commerce and Industry exhibition in the Tauride Palace" (1902). Among the exhibits – a copy of the album, presented to Nicholas II in honor of the opening of the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900.
One of the sections tells of the successful entrepreneur of the XIX century Henry Brocard and his wife - the first "marketer" in the history of advertising Charlotte Brocard.
The exhibition presents the latest works on advertising business.
The exhibition at the National Library of Russia invites not only to get acquainted with the history of the domestic advertising, but also to plunge into the creative process of its creation, as unique items store past ideas that can be successfully applied in the works today.
The exhibition will run till February 14, 2017.