Memorable dates of Russia: Exhibition to the 210th anniversary of the Life Guards regiment of Finland in St. Petersburg

15 December 2016

The exhibition "The Finns, you acquired glory…" to the 210th anniversary of the Life Guards regiment of Finland opens on December 15, 2016 at the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg).

December 2016 marks 210 years since the creation of the Life Guards regiment of Finland - one of the most brilliant and famous regiments of the Russian Imperial Guard.

Chiefs of the regiment were the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich and Konstantin Nikolayevich, and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. The lists of the regiment considered the Emperor Alexander II.

Finns have covered their banners with unfading glory in many battles. In the Patriotic War of 1812 and during the 1813 campaign, the regiment distinguished itself in the battle of Borodino, Tarutino, Maloyaroslavets, Dresden, Kulm, Leipzig and others. Subsequently, the Life Guards regiment of Finland took part in the Russian-Turkish wars of 1828-1829 and 1877-1878, more than once scored in the battles of the First World War.

The exhibition "The Finns, you acquired glory…" presents samples of uniforms and equipment of the Life Guard Finland Regiment for different periods of its history, paintings and original drawings made for the regiment's history, published in the 1880s, sculpture of corporal Leonty Korennoy, hero of the Leipzig battle. Also on display are regimental history from various periods, including written at the end of XX - beginning of XXI century, members of the St. Petersburg club of military and historical reconstruction "Life Guards regiment of Finland". A separate section of the exhibition is devoted to the life and work of the outstanding Russian artist Pavel Andreyevich Fedotov, who has served in the regiment officer for ten years.

Among the exhibited rarities - a memorial regiment uniform sample of 1817, which belonged to Emperor Alexander I, cold arms of the imperial family, true fodder hat worn by the lower ranks of the Imperial Police Battalion and the Life Guards regiment of Finland in 1806-1811, as well as the trophies of the Russian army of the time of the suppression of uprisings in Poland and the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

In addition to the original uniform items from the museum collection, at the exhibition can be seen uniforms kits, provided by members of the St. Petersburg military-historical clubs, reconstructing the imperial police battalion and the Life Guards regiment of the Finnish.

The exhibition will be open till the end of March 2017.