Memorable dates of Russia: A large historical collection within the "Karamzin Assembly" to the 250th anniversary of Nikolai Karamzin in Ulyanovsk
The State Archive of the Russian Federation participates in the great historic meeting held December 12, 2016 in the Ulyanovsk region in the framework of "Karamzin Assembly", dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian thinker, writer, historian, archivist. Residents and visitors to the region are waiting for the opening of the exhibitions with the participation of representatives of major museums and archives of the country, thematic meetings and public lectures by Russian and foreign historians, philologists, translators heritage of Nikolai Karamzin.
Large historic collection - closing event of the Assembly, in which will be presented results of the Year and the achievements of Karamzin will be announced. The III All-Russian Forum held literary museums "Heritage of N. M. Karamzin in the cultural context", the XI International Congress of Community of the Pushkin Museum on the eve of the meeting with the participation of historians, archivists, scientists, Russian and foreign public figures. At the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Karamzin readings" presentations of research papers, documentary exhibitions, public lectures and meetings with researchers and writers. The Historical and memorial center of museum I. A. Goncharov the same days will be held annual regional scientific-practical conference "Natural research in the Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region", and in the Palace of the book - closing ceremony of the inter-agency network of historical-cultural project "Karamzin marathon".