Museums and Society: In Moscow was opened the Prokofiev Museum and a monument to the composer

12 December 2016
Source: TV Culture

The past year in Russia was dedicated to the Sergei Prokofiev. 125th anniversary of his birth was noted on a large scale - for nearly two thousand events, hundreds of concerts on the best stages of the country. The final chord was the opening of the renewed exposure at the Prokofiev Museum and a monument to the composer in the Chamberlain lane in the capital, opposite the house where Prokofiev spent the last years of his life.

The basic idea of the renewed museum is as fully as possible to disclose the identity of Prokofiev - one of the greatest composers of the era.

A separate space is devoted to the office by Sergei Prokofiev. Here he composed new works and taking friends. According to his relatives, the composer in his office was interested in only three things: a piano, a desk and a comfortable chair.