Internet and Society: Presentation of Internet resource "Book Treasure of ancient Samara" in St. Petersburg

9 December 2016

December 9, 2016 in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is held a presentation of the Internet resource "Book Treasure of ancient Samara" - the iconic monument of ancient Russian manuscript literacy.

Internet resource will open access to the first Samara manuscript, created in 1628-1629. The manuscript, which is the same age as the city is decorated with a variety of expertly executed miniatures and contains the most common pieces of world literature of the Middle Ages - "A Tale of Barlaam and Joasaph" and "Life of Niphon Constance". In the manuscript there are many parables and instructive stories: about the destiny of man, the sense of his life, power and injustice, wealth and poverty, human deeds and death. It is this most ancient manuscript that keeps "the parable of the Unicorn" (or "Parable of the sweetness of the world").

Within the presentation will be submitted the original of the first Samara manuscript. The history of creation not only connects the manuscript with the Volga region, but also with Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the XVII century the manuscript was sort of value of the boyar family Saltykovs, and in the XIX century belonged to the founder of the Imperial Society of Ancient Literature in St. Petersburg Prince Pavel Vyazemsky. Manuscript stores possessory recordings of Saltykov and Prince’s autographs. Handwritten collection of Vyazemsky and the Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature is stored in the Department of Manuscripts of NLR from 1932.