World History: The round table devoted to the 25th anniversary of the CIS, at the Russian State Library

8 December 2016

December 8, 2016 the Center of Documents of International Organizations Department of official and legal publications of the Russian State Library (Moscow) together with the information-analytical department of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States holds the anniversary round table "The Commonwealth of Independent States - a quarter of a century: the main aspects of the development, achievements and prospects".

The purpose of the event - to attract the attention of users of the RSL and students of Moscow universities to study the history of the CIS, the stages of development of the Organization, particularly the formation and problems of interstate economic relations and the Commonwealth, as well as to organize a discussion on the topic.

For the participants of the round table librarians of the center of Documents of international Organizations have prepared a thematic exhibition "Commonwealth of Independent States - a quarter of the century", as well as an exhibition of the gifts of the Russian State Library by the CIS Executive Committee on the eve of the anniversary of the Organization.

The event was attended by representatives of the CIS Executive Committee, the Russian experts, the RSL users, teachers and students of MGIMO and other Moscow universities.