History of Russia: Exhibition "History of the Russian State in faces" to the 250th anniversary of Nikolai Karamzin opened in Moscow within the framework of the project "Portrait of Russian Literature-2016"

7 December 2016

As part of the art project "Portrait of Russian literature-2016" the N. A. Ostrovsky State Museum and Humanitarian center "Overcoming" and Creative Union of Russian Artists present the exhibition "History of the Russian State in faces". To the 250th anniversary of Nikolai Karamzin.

The exhibition presents a portrait gallery of prominent local artists, scientists and poets, statesmen and national insurgents. From paintings and medals of Igor Khamraev "Lay", bronze medals and sculptures of the historical cycle sculptor Vladimir Chibisov - to "Silence" large-scale canvase by Sergei Afonsky, dedicated the death of Emperor Nicholas II family. From the portrait of Nikolai Karamzin by artist Raisa Arefieva to portraits of Nikolai Gogol and Sergei Diaghilev by artist Pavel Borisov. From the images of Ivan Fedorov and the first Russian academician Mikhail Lomonosov in works of the artist Leonid Kozlov and works of Honored Artist of Russia, sculptor Ivan Korzhev "Emelyan Pugachev" and "Yevpaty Kolovrat" up to the most modern faces and persons of national history and culture.

The exhibition hosts workshops of poetry readings and literary associations of modern Russia.

The exhibition runs from December 7, 2016 to January 15, 2017.