Society and Culture: Exhibition "Stories", dedicated to the history of the major masterpieces from the collection of the Institute of Russian realist art, Moscow

6 December 2016

Institute of Russian Realist Art (Moscow) presented the new exhibition "Stories". The exhibition is dedicated to the major masterpieces of the collection of the Institute and is an important part of the new permanent exhibition.

In the halls are collected stories devoted to masterpieces of Alexander Deineka, Igor Grabar, Arcadiy Plastov, Yuri Pimenov, Victor Popkov, Helius Korzhev and other famous masters of realistic painting. In an exhibition space are presented works that IRRI visitors knew only from catalogs and guides stories. For the first time in many years in Moscow is exhibited textbook work of Peter Ossovsky "Three Generations" (1960) stored in the Perm State Art Gallery. It is in relation to it art critics were introduced term severe style, describing the work of artists of the sixties.

Viewers can see the unique footage shot in the studio of Igor Grabar, Sergei Gerasimov, Isaac Brodsky, Helius Korzhev, family photo archives of Victor Tsyplakov, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Arcadiy Plastov, Victor Popkov, Andrei Vasnetsov, Dmitry Zhilinsky, Nikolai Andronov, Peter Ossovsky, Igor Obrosov, Andrei Volkov.

This exhibition allows the viewer to feel like an art researcher, to take a virtual tour to artists' studios and closed-end funds, to learn about how these pictures have been created, and what secrets they keep.