History and Culture: Archaeological exhibition "From immemorial times" in the Pskov region
The Museum-estate of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (Lubensk-Vechasha, the Pskov region) hosts the archaeological exhibition "From immemorial times".
The exhibition presents a collection of archaeological finds discovered by archaeologists of the Pskov Museum-Reserve during expeditions in the upper reaches of the river Plyussa and its tributaries.
The visitors are also offered photographs made by the results of excavations of the North-West of the archaeological expedition of the St. Petersburg branch of RNII of cultural and natural heritage on the territory of Kotor graveyard (now the Plyussky district).
Among the finds most of the pieces are modeled ceramics, metal products, various types of jewelry made of bronze, glass, stone, small household items - they all belong to the IX-XII centuries and evidence of early settlement of the once fertile land, favorably located on the banks of rivers and lakes Poplyusya.
Visit the exhibition and get acquainted with the presented archaeological findings can be possible up to 20 December 2016.