History of Russia: In Moscow were discussed key projects and plans of the Russian Military-Historical Society

26 January 2017

All the important projects of the Russian Military-Historical Society, scheduled for 2017, were told about on January 25, 2017 at a press briefing at the International Multimedia MIA "Russia Today" Press Center in Moscow. 

RVIO Chairman, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky spoke about the program of military-historical camps visited by over 10 thousand children and young people from across the country, as well as the creation of plaques to the Heroes of the Soviet Union in the schools where they studied. To date, commemorative plaques are installed on buildings of 1 800 schools in 74 regions of Russia.

The Executive Director of the Russian Military-Historical Society Vladislav Kononov said that one of the key events in 2017 will be the creation of a "Monument of Reconciliation" on the Crimean peninsula near the city of Kerch (near the entrance of the bridge under construction on the peninsula). Memorial is dedicated to the centennial of the revolution in Russia. 

Continuing the theme the scientific director RVIO Mikhail Myagkov told about the conference "Dialogue with the story: We and the Russian Revolution of 1917", bringing together scientists and historians in the dialogue and the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. 

In addition, the plans RVIO for 2017 – the improvement of the "Russian" part of Katyn war cemetery and the establishment of a newly built exhibition center of the permanent exhibition, which tells about the Russian-Polish relations in the XX century, the further development of the Museum of Military History, "Fletcher's Chamber" and the Museum of military clothes in Moscow, a number of regional projects.