Internet and society: The new website of the "Electronic Library of the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS" features over 600 rare scientific books
A new website "Electronic Library of the A> M. Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS", which in free access provides more than 600 scans of rare scientific publications is running.
Earlier the books were laid directly on the website of the Institute of World Literature. The library is constantly updated, and now there are hundreds available electronic versions of scientific publications of 1848-2016s separated the following areas: "Theory of Literature", "Russian Literature", "Literature in Russia and CIS nations", "Foreign Literature", "Folklore", "Periodicals of the Institute of world literature", "Pointer and reference".
Publications are available for viewing and downloading to any interested person. The registration is not provided on the website. Also the website has an option "search" through the entire e-library.