Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition to the 370th anniversary of the state financial control in Russia was opened in Moscow
From 23 to 30 January 2017 the State Historical Museum (Moscow) hosts a thematic exhibition on the occasion of the 370th anniversary of the state financial control in Russia.
August 16, 1647 is considered to be a reference point in the history of the finance department, which is associated with the Order of countable affairs, created during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov to monitor the flow of funds and the arrival of "the sovereign's treasury". That's the first Romanovs when began a new period in the history of Russia when were strengthened the state and the central government. To note the importance of the interim milestones, it was decided by the organization of the exhibition together with the State Historical Museum.
Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation, created in 1994, was preceded by a long series of institutions carrying out control and audit function. Instead of counting the Order of affairs that existed in pre-Petrine times, in 1717 by Peter I the Revision-board was created, abolished in 1788, due to provincial reform. In the XIX - early XX century its function carries out the state control of the Russian Empire. In Soviet times, its successors were Rabkrin (the Workers' RCTs), the Soviet Control Commission under the USSR Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Committee of People's Control and others often reorganized Supreme Audit Institutions.
The exhibition, prepared for the anniversary of the controlling departments of State Historical Museum, presents iconic monuments, documents, including the nature of the memorial, computing devices, the Russian currency.