Territory of Russia: The exhibition “Baikal. Angara. Lena" in Irkutsk

22 January 2017

The exhibition "Baikal. Angara. Lena" was opened in the Manor of V. P. Sukachev in Irkutsk. The exhibition includes works by Sergei Pisarev - one of the most interesting contemporary artists of Irkutsk organization of the Artists Union of Russia.

The exhibition "Baikal. Angara. Lena" – these are the works by Sergei Pisarev, created in different years, opening the viewer the artist's creative method of the artist in look and attitude to the grandiose splendor of the nature of the Baikal region, the people who live on the earth, clothed in the myths and legends of antiquity. Angara and Lena - the two majestic rivers in Russia, beginning the way from Lake Baikal. Space and power of this great artist in Russia is striking the imagination and gives the opportunity to express their feelings by means of painting on canvas. The exhibition of Sergey Pisarev also presents new works written by him in 2016. These are portraits of natives Eastern Siberia Evenki, Tofalars, as well as landscapes of Lena, Angara, Lake Baikal.