The Year of Ecology in Russia-2017: The exhibition on the results of the photo contest "The enthusiasm of photographers - to the protection of nature" in Tula

18 January 2017

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Tula region and the internet portal "Photo-Tula" - have organized the photo contest "The enthusiasm of photographers – to the protection of nature", dedicated to the Year of the specially protected natural areas and environment in the Russian Federation in 2017. The contest was held in order to attract the attention of photographers to the preservation of the natural heritage and the promotion of specially protected natural areas of the Tula area. Tasks of the contest are the collection and the processing of the photographic material to create a printed album "Natural monuments of the Tula region". The photo contest contained landscapes, species and genre of art photography, depicting landscapes, the objects of animate and inanimate nature, rare animals and plant species of natural monuments of the Tula region.

At the end of the contest there were selected works of the winners to participate in the final exhibition, which will be open on January 18, 2017 in the Exhibition Hall of Tula. Visitors will see pictures of the monuments of nature in the region, representatives of the animal and plant world, listed in the Red Book.