Society and reading: Literary project “Reading the best books” launched in the Kursk Regional Scientific Library

18 January 2017

January 12, 2017 in the N. N. Aseev Kursk Regional Scientific Library was launched an open literary project "Reading the best books", aimed at improving the status of books and reading, the formation of reading culture among the population of the city.

The project is designed for a wide audience and includes a series of events to promote the works of Russian and foreign classical literature. At the heart of the project there is the reading of excerpts from books and watching the film adaptation of the same name works. The project will be carried out during the year. 

The first event in the framework of the project - "Reading Nosov" was dedicated to the 92nd anniversary of the writer's birth. The great son of the land of Kursk, writer Yevgeny Nosov, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Gorky State Prize, an honorary citizen of the city of Kursk, made an invaluable contribution to the national literature.

As part of the project during 2017 some activities are planned: "Reading Pushkin", dedicated to the Day of memory of Alexander Pushkin ("The Captain's Daughter"); "Reading Sholokhov" for the work "The destiny of a man"; "Reading A. K. Tolstoy", to the 200th anniversary of A. K. Tolstoy; "Reading Gogol" by the work "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" (as part of the reading of the Day).