Society and Culture: Exhibition of graphic works, dedicated to the religious quest of Russian writers, in Veliky Novgorod
January 13, 2017 in the building of the government offices of the Novgorod Museum Reserve was opened the exhibition "Yuri Lukshin. The religious quest of Russian writers".
The name of Honored Artist of Russia, a recognized classic of modern St. Petersburg graphic school Yuri Lukshin is already known to Novgorod residents. The new exhibition includes twenty graphic works of the series "The religious quest of Russian writers". Its protagonists are Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy, creativity and life itself, which represent a sample of the tireless pursuit of truth and meaning of human existence, the desire to know God. The works are accompanied by statements of the writers themselves, as well as quotations from the books Vincent Veresaeva "Gogol in his life", by Boris Zaitsev, "Dostoevsky and Optina Pustyn", by Vasily Rozanov, "Leo Tolstoy and Russian Church", by Vladimir Voropaev, "Your Monastery - Russia".
The last twenty years Yuri Lukshin has been involved in an active exhibition activity, conducting mobile solo exhibitions at museums in Russia. It creates cycles of easel paintings on the theme: "St. Sergius of Radonezh", "Diary of a pilgrim", "Lay", "Boris Godunov" by A. S. Pushkin. This works in the spirit and meaning are closer to the exhibition series.
The exhibition runs till March 16.