History and Culture: The restored fresco "The Virgin on the throne" is back in the Novgorod Sophia Cathedral

13 January 2017
Source: TASS

Restorers in Veliky Novgorod have restored rescued from the ruins of the XV century fresco "The Virgin on the throne". It will be returned to the St. Sophia Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin, said the director of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve Natalya Grigoryeva.

"Fresco "The Virgin on the throne" will be returned on the wall of the ancient temple this year. The uniqueness of the operation is that the lost portion of the image is restored by restorers from literally trash - knocked in the XVII century plaster. In this case, scientists found fragments of frescoes in the course of excavations in parts - first in 1956, then in 1990 during the renovation of St. Sophia Cathedral", - she said.

The composition, presumably created in 1466, depicts the Virgin seated on a throne with the Christ-child in her arms, next - archangels Michael and Gabriel. According to the artist-restorer Tatyana Romashkevich the fresco has high artistic value and offers a rare iconography.

Dimensions of the fresco are 1.7 meters by 1 meter. Restored masterpiece will be placed in the same place where it was 600 years ago - in the southern part of the St. Sophia Cathedral.