Information technology and education: The Belarusian State University started a digital photo archive of the University

11 January 2017

The Belarusian State University developed a website-photo archive. It is a collection of over 20,000 photographs, reflecting the nearly century-old history of the university. The basis for the creation of a virtual exposition became preserved archive of photographs from different periods of the BSU events.

"The earliest photographs belong to the top 20s of the last century. Photos tell about the first classes, conferences, exams, ceremonies of initiation in students and graduations, youth living outside school hours", - told in the press service of the university.

Archive is thematically divided in three categories: "Events", "Objects" and "People". They reflect the most significant events in the history and modernity of BSU, the visits of political and public figures, heads of foreign states, actions with the participation of students, etc. Here are also pictures of educational buildings, dormitories, campus sculptures. In the "People" are posted photos of rectors of BSU, as well as academicians, corresponding members, scientists, staff, and university professors. In addition, it included a series of historical images of teachers and students of BSU - participants of the Great Patriotic War. 

"When developed the digital photo archive a great work has been done. University staff digitized each frame from old photographic film, scanned photos and pictures describe. Today, in the digital photo archive there are more than 20 000 photos, 700 collections. Most of the events in the photos were recovered by the newspaper "University", which has beem published at BSU since 1929. The pre-war BSU pictures and information about them is provided by employees of the historical faculty of the Baku State University and the Museum of History", - said the head of the Media Center of BSU Pavel Solovyov.

The electronic photo archive is developed by the Fundamental library and media center in the BSU. As noted in the press-service of the University, a photo archive is constantly updated, and soon it will complement the base documents of faculties, institutes and other departments of BSU.