The Year of Ecology in Russia-2017: Photo exhibition “Protected Russia – 100 years” in Khabarovsk

10 January 2017

January 11, 2017 in the exhibition hall of the N. I. Grodekov Museum in Khabarovsk will be held the opening of the photo exhibition "Protected Russia - 100 years", which will launch the Year of Russia declared by President of specially protected natural areas and the ecology.

At the exhibition, residents and visitors can see more than 150 photos of the protected parts of our country. To get introduced to unique landscapes, rare animals hidden by life will allow colorful works of professional photographers, naturalists and lovers, including the employees of reserves and national parks of various protected "islands" of Russia. In addition to the photos the exhibition will feature exhibits related to the protected activity: modern explorer tools, molds of animal tracks, camping equipment, as well as alternative options for taxidermy.  

Over 100 years the reserves of Russia received the recognition in the world as unique natural laboratories and keepers of ecological systems. Today, our country has developed 103 reserves, 50 national parks, 59 sanctuaries and 17 natural monuments. Thanks to special protection, they remained untouched in corners of wild nature, where workers of natural reserves and national parks make every effort to preserve for posterity the pristine flora and fauna. Protected areas have significantly contributed to the preservation of animal species such as sable, beaver, Far Eastern leopard, the Amur tiger, the Far Eastern stork, bison, and many others, as well as their habitats, including many species of marine life.         

Photo exhibition "Protected Russia - 100 years" will run until February 10, 2017, and then will continue its journey to the Far East.