History and Culture: Unknown masterpieces of medieval iconography are presented at the exhibition in Moscow

10 January 2017

The Central Andrei Rublev Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art (Moscow) hosts the exhibition "Collection of Konstantin Voronin. Icons. Art metal. XIII ̶ XVI century", which represents little-known works of medieval art from the private collection of the Moscow archaeologist Konstantin Voronin.

The exhibition features icons of ancient Greek masters, as well as works of artistic metal of Russian and Western works. The oldest icon of the exhibition - "George and the Dragon" of late XIV- early XV century, originating apparently from the northern lands of Rostov. Krasnofonnaya icon "St. Nicholas of Myra, with Life" is unique and the monumental image of "Paraskeva Pyatnitsa" of middle of the XV century.

One of the best monuments of the collection - a small analoy icon "Annunciation" of the time of Ivan the Terrible. Particularly valuable are the little-known works of the iconography of the Upper Volga and the Vologda land. Most interesting monument in Novgorod art culture - the image of "Our Lady of Tikhvin, with Mariological scenes and Cathedral of the Saints", by in 1540s.

The exhibition is open till February 26, 2017.