The territory of Russia: Large-scale open-air museum will be established in the Arctic

14 February 2017
Source: TASS

The National Park "Russian Arctic" plans in 2020 to create an open-air museum "The Living History of the Arctic" in the archipelago of Franz Josef Land, where you will see the first Soviet polar station, the unique all-terrain vehicles and aircrafts.

The National Park has identified the objects that will be included in the museum complex called "The Living History of the Arctic". Among them - the architectural ensemble of the first Soviet polar station, preserved unique units automotive, off-road and aviation equipment, installations, objects of wildlife. Thus, the exhibit of the museum can become one of the few in Russia tractors C-80, the aircraft ANT-6A, artifacts from the wintering grounds of the Italian expedition of 1899-1900 of Duke of the Abruzzi to Rudolf Island and the US 1901-1902 on Alger Island, exhibits from the German weather station of the Great Patriotic War.

An exceptional historical and cultural value is a set of objects on Hooker Island. To this day there has remained a full complex of buildings of the polar station Quiet Cove, founded in 1929 on the site of the first wintering Russian expedition to the North Pole Georgy Sedov 1913-1914. One of the most interesting objects of the station - the airplane hangar, built in 1932 under the leadership of the legendary Soviet polar explorer Ivan Papanin. The hangar was designed to accommodate light aircraft U-2 and W-2 seaplanes, a long time it was the largest building in the archipelago.